Le multilinguisme, c’est-à-dire l’apprentissage de plus d’une langue étrangère, doit devenir un des éléments central et vital de l’enseignement. Nous en sommes conscients au Lycée Saint Benoît, c’est pourquoi nous proposons un enseignement trilingue de qualité. Pour le citoyen de l’Avenir, le développement du multilinguisme constitue un droit et un devoir civique.
Notre Politique de Valorisation de la langue anglaise s’inscrit dans cette volonté et le Séjour linguistique à Londres est un des aspects de notre politique linguistique. Notre ligne directrice dans la politique d’enseignement des langues est aujourd’hui de former un individu multilingue.
Découvrir Londres tout en participant activement à des cours, quel Bonheur !
Lee élèves comprennent le rôle prédominant que l’anglais a acquis dans le monde. Cette dimension linguistique est totalement inscrite dans notre Projet d’établissement.
L’anglais est devenu la langue d’échange d’un grand nombre de pays. Notre politique linguistique répond à cette conscience que nous avons que l’anglais est indispensable à l’épanouissement personnel et professionnel, à la compréhension des autres et à la participation à la vie internationale.
Par ailleurs, l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère comporte non seulement des aspects pragmatiques et fonctionnels – l’aptitude à comprendre et à parler, à lire et à écrire – mais également des aspects pédagogiques et interculturels qui concourent à la formation de la personnalité de nos élèves.
L’intérêt et la diversité de nos Partenariats et Séjours pédagogiques en langue anglaise…
Le lycée, depuis 5 ans, a noué des partenariats avec des Universités, Institut ou Lycée aux Etats-Unis et à Londres pour favoriser les échanges linguistiques et culturels. Ainsi, le lycée Saint Benoît partage des échanges pédagogiques avec Niagara University (USA), Saint John University (New York), le Lycée Lewiston Porter (Niagara) ou encore une structure linguistique à Londres.
Les élèves en sont les bénéficiaires et ils apprécient. Ils élargissent leur point de vue et leur expérience sur le monde extérieur. Ils renforcent leur langue anglaise et s’ouvrent ainsi des perspectives nouvelles sur leur propre univers ; en stimulant leur désir de participation au monde. De plus, dans ces échanges, ils adoptent une attitude d’ouverture, d’intérêt et de tolérance… et enrichissent leur arrière-plan culturel.
La Politique linguistique – et notamment la place de l’anglais – est totalement inscrite dans notre Projet d’établissement, ces 4 projets en sont des illustrations, ils viennent soutenir l’enseignement dispensé dans le cadres scolaire.
- I think our trip was amazing. We visited a lot of museums, some were ordinary but some were really exiting. We walked and travelled so much. Our teacher Simon and the education was really great. We had so much fun in the school. We played games, we solved crimes etc. But the one that I liked most was London Bridge. Actually we didn’t visit London Bridge but we took great photos in an area which is in front of it. I also liked Madame Tussauds because there were many popular people that I like so much. Now I have great photos with them. The other thing that I like is Ben’s Cookies. They were really great. I wish I could eat them here. And we went also to Alaaddin musical. It was really great and new. They used over 500 costumes. Everyone really enjoyed the trip. (Nisa)
- Last week we were in London. The weather was nice but a little bit rainy. We visited lots of museums, we walked in the parks, we ate different kinds of food and we have been in a language school and we studied English. We did lots of practice and I spoke lots of English. We did a lot of sightdeeing. We had a great time together. English courses were really fun. Having a week with my friends and my lovely teachers in London was one of my best experiences. I really liked London and I want to go again. (Nil Ayda)
- We spent a week in London to improve our English and visit some historical and touristic places like The London Eye, Buckingham Palace and some museums. Moreover, we spent 3 hours a day in Oxford House College. We had an amazing teacher who is called Simon. He was funny and authoritarian and that was a great experience for us. We used the underground for transportation. We had so much fun and we want to thank our teachers for organizing this trip and helping us. (İpek / Dila)
- In the mid-term holiday of our school, I attended to an amazing school trip with my friends. We went to london and stayed there for a week. It was a great experience to practice my speaking and improve it. We visited a lot of museums, parks and historical places. I took great photos of London’s amazing views from London Eye. I was amazed by Madame Tussauds Museum. I had a lot of fun in Hyde park. We went everywhere using the underground so I learned how to go anywhere. We were so lucky that the weather was great. Finally it was so nice to be with my friends and spend the holiday in a different country like London. (Ceyda)
- We were on a school trip in London with my schoolmates and my teachers. We had an excellent trip together in London. We visited a lot of museums and touristic places such as London Eye, Madame Tussauds, National History Museum. They were all great. Furthermore, we watched the Disney musical called ‘Alaadin’ on Wednesday evening in a theater in Covent Garden. It was amazing. I think London is one of the most wonderful cities in the whole world and it is certainly my favorite European city. People all around London are very friendly, kind and warm hearted. (Ceren)