Prep Show – TED Talks

A marvellous activity prepared by Prep and Lise 1 students during their lessons

Evey year while we are preparing our curriculum we set our long term goals for education and determine our social activities on this basis.
Today the aim of education is to raise modern individuals, i.e. a thinking, inquiring, perceiving and synthesizing person who is open to innovations, creative and who is self-confident as he can express all this in the English language…


Prep students’ creative and original performance

Our students have written their own authentic sketches and have put them on stage intuitively on the basis of all the experience they gained from the work, skills and attainments throughout the year. Their aim was to share all their work with their teachers, mates and parents at the end of the year.

Simulation of a lesson in English and French

Our students have displayed their English and French skills by bringing to life a bilingual classroom. They made a presentation in both languages and could answer the questions fluently.

Dances, TV shows, stand up and music shows – Talking in English by using one’s body and knowledge

Students displayed an entertaining performance with their individual skills in dance, stand up and various other shows. Being inspired by songs of the past they built a group consisting of students from different classes and sang, kept the rhythm and had lots and lots of fun.

Based on the skills they gained from digital work our students prepared a TV show, shot videos with various themes and showed us how well they can speak English.
Having left behind all the tiring days of the year with their original work and entertaining performances they also proved to us how prepared and energetic they are for the coming year by talking English fluently. All this will stay a memory that they will look back at with a smile.



Our students share their ideas with thier mates in an English speech

What is TED Talks ?
All through the year our students have presented speeches and presentations in the framework of  » Technology, Entertainment and Design » on the basis of a the motto  »ideas worth sharing ». These speeches contain information that can change the world, make it a more beautiful place and can gain the person values. A perfect chance to express themselves in English.

The impact of TED TALKS on improving English language skills

It is a great tool to improve speaking skills for TOEFL, IELTS AND Cambridge English Assessment exams. Students listen to speeches that attract their attention, have fun and widen their horizons. During these activities our students feel the need to orientate their mates with their knowledge. Instead of the idea that the teacher knows best, this is a beneficial activity that interests students and is also based on psychological studies.

Motivated by Lise 2 students

In the first term the presentations that were made by Lise 2 students on the basis of the articles they read throughout the year and also bringing forth their own knowledge, impressed our Lise 1 students so much that they decided to put on stage TED Talks with the help of their teachers. Their performance, English speaking skills, courage and self-confidence was magnificent. Students just didn’t want the end to come.

They chose the subjects themselves and as they have had somre experience on the topics they were interested in, they were eager to share them with their mates. They really impressed us with their talks on scientific and social phenomena.

We are proud of our students’ performance and courage.