Digital Education has made a significant move into Saint Benoît in recent years. We allow students to learn the subjects they need to excel in their professional and personal life and also Digital Education and innovation offers a range of fellowship opportunities to our students and recent graduates.
To promote critical thinking and analytical skills by developing self-learning. This transforms the classroom environment from teacher-centred to student-centred learning.
How do we manage it ? We use various methods of classroom delivery : laptops, interactive white boards, projectors, computer labs and LCD TV.
As English teachers, we know how to motivate our students. We bring the real world into the classroom by using authentic materials. While the main focus is on speaking and listening, we have also developed a systematic approach to reading and writing. For us, these skills are absolutely essential for language learners in the digital age.
Our books provide us with virtual classrooms, at It makes learning more flexible. Students can do their workbook exercises on their own. Our teachers assign online homework, quizzes and tests that are automatically graded and tightly connected to the coursebook. We also use Moodle, a learning platform designed to provide teachers and students with a secure and integrated system to create a personalised learning environment. Teachers can set up their classes, and manage classes and content. Moodle does not only allow online learning but also it provides students with resources.
Our English teachers create classes on Google Docs (collaborative word-processing programming) where both our teachers and students share their opinions. It makes learning online collaborative.
We use game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn for our students. These are Kahoot, Edpuzzle, Padlet and so on. Vocabulary and grammar are introduced through contextualized examples. These highly interactive online tools help students naturally explore and practise the language.
We use the Moodle Learning Platform for teaching. It is a great opportunity to connect with our students, sharing resources, ideas and anything that could help to inspire better teaching practices everywhere.
Watch your child as they work on Moodle!
We enable parents to participate in their child’s education through online learning and view their child’s work.
We are sure to prosper in the new century ; people will need to learn more and learn differently. A child entering the new century will likely face more risks and uncertainties and will need to gain more knowledge and master more skills than any generation before.