Welcome in London ! Londra’ya Hoş Geldiniz!

Öğrencilerimizin Londra gezisi, eğitici ve eğlenceli

Çok dillilik, başka bir deyişle, birkaç yabancı dil öğrenmenin, öğrenim hayatının merkezinde olmasının önemine inanan Saint Benoît Lisesi kaliteli bir üçlü dil eğitimi vermeyi hedefler. Geleceğin vatandaşları için, çok dilliliğin gelişmesi hem bir hak, hem de bir vatandaşlık görevidir.
Bu düşünce, İngilizce eğitimine çok önem veren yaklaşımımız ile desteklenmektedir ve Londra gezimiz de, dil eğitimi amacımızın bir parçasıdır. Bugünkü dil öğretiminde temel olan, birçok dile hakim olan bireyler yetiştirmektir.

Derslere aktif bir şekilde katılarak Londrayı gezmek… Öğrencilerimiz için ne büyük bir mutluluk!

Öğrencilerimiz, İngilizce’nin dünyadaki hakimiyetinin bilincindeler. Bu dilsel boyut, Kurum Projemiz kapsamında yer almaktadır. 

İngilizce, artık birçok ülkede iletişim dili. Dil öğretimine, İngilizce’nin öğrencinin kişisel ve profesyonel gelişiminde, diğerini anlamada ve uluslararası platformda yer edinmede olmazsa olmaz olduğunun farkında olarak yaklaşıyoruz.

Ayrıca, yabancı bir dil öğrenmenin, şüphesiz, anlamak, konuşmak, okumak ve yazmak gibi pragmatik ve işlevsel boyutlarının yanı sıra öğrencilerin kişiliğini oluşturmada destek olan eğitici ve kültürler arası boyutlar da var.

Dil öğretimi yaklaşımımız – özellikle İngilizce’nin yeri – Kurum Projemizde eksiksiz bir şekilde yer almaktadır.

I had so much fun on this trip. The six days have passed so quickly. We went to see a bunch of museums and parks. We saw a lot of the culture and history of this city. The weather was really nice as well. The English course we took in the morning helped us practice English so that we could use it during the day. We experienced the daily life and had a chance to use our English skills. We had a chance to express our ideas and opinions in the classes we took. I think that this trip to London was a really good experience for students. This might be the best trip I’ve ever had in my life and I would love to go back to London one day.

We arrived in London by plane as you can guess. It was a long trip where we spent more than 3 hours in a plane. When we landed, it was about 9 am and we needed to do a couple of things before starting to visit museums and popular attractions. At first, we visited the hotel where we were going to stay for a week and we left our luggage right there. The hotel had a good location, it was easy to find restaurants and markets and it was really close to several museums in London. That’s why, it wasn’t a big problem for us to look for something to eat. Even though, I didn’t like the traditional dishes that much.
We had English courses during mornings before sightseeing in London. We used the tube stations and we needed to use a weirdly named card which is called Oyster. It has the same purpose as Istanbul card. Actually It was a good experience because we had a chance to compare our metro with the other countries ones.
We visited the British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, Science Museum and the National History Museum. In my opinion, Science Museum was the best one because it was really interesting to see some real samples of ancient inventions and learning about future projects such as space related ones. On the other hand, it was a really good opportunity to understand the development of the historical technologies.
We were aware of the climate, but the weather wasn’t annoying us though. So we had a lot of chance to walk around. We saw Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, London Eye (and we had been inside), Covent Garden, Buckingom Palace and Big Ben as well. However Big Ben was in restauration. We were a bit unlucky.
It was a good trip, I really appreciated to be there and I want to say thank you to our teachers for their efforts.