This project ERASMUS (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) est funded by Europe on the theme : Media, information and European citizenship education - cooperation between teachers and journalists 2020-2022. The students will benefit from this project which has many partners.
This project deals with two emergencies: Media education and education for European citizenship
Our project consists of dealing with two emergencies in accordance with the European Directives; Media education and European citizenship education. Our aim is to accelerate the cooperation between professionals who aren’t used to work together : teachers, journalists, researchers, etc. We are all actors of media education and we should build projects together in order to train the next generations to grow up in a world dominated by the media. We educate our children !
International partnerships
Four schools – 2 colleges and 2 high schools – the lycée Saint Benoit from Istanbul, the lycée Jean-Louis Calderon from Timisoara (Romania), the collège Notre-Dame de la Salle from Marmande (France) and the school Notre-Dame des Champs from Brussels (Belgium) work with the French organization Le Retour de Zalumée (Paris) which develops the media education program Globe Reporters since 2007. Around 300 pupils and some thirty teachers will take part of the project for the next two years. In the same time, the productions will be widely released to reach thousands of others students and teachers.
Introduction to the media and journalism
Concretely, from 2020 to 2022, students become editors in chief and direct 5 professional journalists. They produce together some hundred interviews about Europe. The pedagogues provide learning paths to help external teachers and pedagogues to use the online resources according to the class levels, the matter and the topic, the learning objectives.
Through this process, students understand better the journalists’ work, as well as the media system. They are also being challenged in their way of learning. They read, write, learn history, geography. They grow up and know better how to use the internet. In the other side, teachers have multimedia resources to perform their media education mission properly.
Civic and participatory engagement of students
To sum up, our project is a transnational partnership to develop media education actions through innovation, and learning exchanges between teachers and journalists from four different countries (France/Belgium/Turkey/Romania). Our project provides trainings for pedagogues and actions around international key events such as Assises Internationales de Tours 2020 , Printemps numérique 2021 (Digital Spring 2021) du lycée saint-Benoit at Istanbul, Assises européennes du journalism 2021.