2015-2016 : Trees with deep roots grow Tall

With its values that exist since 1783, Saint Benoît French Lycee has been representing a modern and innovative approach to education. This approach aims at training citizens that are loyal to Atatürk’s Principles. As Atatürk says ’’We definitely have to succeed in building a national education which is our most important mission. Only in this way a nation can reach enlightenment’’ (1922)

Having been renowned and identified as a high profile school for 232 years Lycee Saint Benoît French  is at the service of the Turkish Youth. The school develops an educational project that is surrounded by essential human values and that is student-centred ’’placed in the heart of the Project’’. Lycee Saint Benoît is attached to Atatürk’s ideals of democracy and peace and has chosen the humanist Thomas More’s favourite words as a principle ’’Vitae non scholae discimus. We do not learn for school, but for life’’. It is one of the most important aims of our institution’s mission to improve the human and professional success in all its aspects.

▪ Lycee Saint Benoît French claims to be ’’the place of intelligence and knowledge’’

Our institution is a place where knowledge is conveyed and a place of education and of the quest for meaning. Being forward-looking the school offers an individual and personalised educational support. Saint Benoit also accompanies the student on a path that leads to the discovery of the self. Our educational community conjugates the Reception and Excellence in a ’’school of knowledge and multiple intelligences’’ with a particular attention to every single student and with the care to permanently develop the potential of the student. Parents as well us teachers together we are dedicated to our child’s success at school and try to provide the best schooling conditions for them. We also seek a modern education that motivates to learn, opens an intellectual path, awakens a consciousness and helps answer the great questions about oneself and the world.

▪ Lycee Saint Benoît French claims to be ’’the place of humanity and fulfillment’’

In our educational approach we always bear in mind that every young person is unique… The student is supported, listened to and we pay attention to each and every one of them. We do not aim at focusing only on the student’s academic skills but, on the contrary, evaluate all his skills. Being ’’ a school of life’’ we remember in our educational project that educating and training are linked in the same act. Our act of teaching leads to taking on responsibilities and offers a wide universal opening unto the world. The educational community proposes a global and balanced education close to students and families : humanistic, scientific, cultural, linguistic, artistic, physical and civil. It is about allowing all to grow humanly.

Saint Benoît French High School claims to be ’’the place of learning’’

Prioritising an experimental approach our school leads the student to developing analytical thinking, to forming a connection between theoretical knowledge and real life thanks to cultural and scientific activities that render the student independent and ’’actor of his project’’.

By offering an intercultural and multilingual context of high quality with the help of six languages (Turkish, French, English, Spanish, German and basic Chinese) we diversify the linguistic range to train the citizens of the 21st century.

By developing a critical approach, by observing causality and determinism we try to develop scientific competences which are not only based on memorisation and to establish a training system that allows to do research.

▪ Lycee Saint Benoît French claims to be ’’the place of innovation’’

In a world that evolves and where mentalities change schools have to adapt themselves and find the most efficient conditions of the acquisition of knowledge. Collective and interdisciplinary work have to be prioritized as a source of personal fulfillment and of preparation to professional life. The teacher tries to differentiate his teaching and within the framework of a collective approach to develop an innovative structure corresponding to the best to the personality of the students.

▪ Saint Benoît French High School claims to be ’’the place of the creation of meaning of life’’

The real education is the global one. Our school is a place of the acquisition of knowledge and education and the quest of meaning as Saint Benoît French High School offers a path to the discovery of the self. The school has to assign time for the dialogues on the research of values that can guide in life and on questions that surround the human existence. Together with the parents we wish to construct a path of life. The educational community invites the student to enrich his personal project of orientation and encourage him to establish a lifetime project.

This project is a challenge and we wish to give our students a positive, trustful and promising message.

Pierre Gentric